Pop City Life Exclusive: Sonali Interview

Earlier this month, we got the chance to chat with Florida-based singer-songwriter Sonali. She filled us in on everything from recording her debut EP Speechless, teaming up with the international charity SmileTrain, and who her biggest musical influences are. Check out our interview with her below:

Pop City Life: For those of our readers who have never heard your music before, how would you describe your sound? What sets you apart from other artists in the music industry today?

Sonali: My sound can best be described as pop/rock. I play lead guitar, so I really enjoy guitar-driven songs, which is exactly what my music has to offer. Instrumentally, I am inspired by the best classic rock guitarists like Slash or Jimmy Page to name a few. But overall, I think the best current artist to compare my music to would be Kelly Clarkson. The fact that I do play lead guitar, as well as the drums, piano, and bass is a differentiating factor for me. There are not too many girls who enjoy playing the electric guitar, but I absolutely do!

PCL: Recently you released your debut EP Speechless. What was the process of making that EP like?

Sonali: Recording Speechless was so much fun. It was the first time I had ever recorded my own music and worked in a real studio, but everything just came naturally and flowed so well.

Recording is a lot of work and long hours but the thrill of taking a melody and lyrics, and then collaborating with the producer to orchestrate your vision of the final product is exhilarating. I learned so much and I think working on that EP is what made me want to learn more about music production, which is what I will be studying at Tisch.

PCL: Where did you come up with the title for your EP? What’s your favorite song off of it?

Sonali: Originally I hadn’t planned to release an EP at all, I was just going to record my single, also titled “Speechless”. But when I saw what a great reception that song received, I knew I had to go further and record the entire EP. I put the song “Speechless” on Facebook one night to share with some friends, and the next day it school everyone was singing it!

By the time the five songs were finished, the title of Speechless for the EP was a no-brainer. I knew that was the song everyone would recognize right away. I think each of the songs on my EP offers something different, but my personal favorite would have to be “Road to Nowhere”. I think musically it is really powerful, and it’s something I think everyone can relate to at one point or another in their lives.

PCL: All of the proceeds from Speechless will go to the international charity, SmileTrain. For those who are unfamiliar with SmileTrain, can you explain a bit about the charity? What inspired you to get involved?

Sonali: The SmileTrain is an organization that provides surgeries for people with cleft palates. A cleft palate is a physical deformity of the upper lip which causes several problems, for example impaired speech and restricted eating and drinking. In addition to all this, it is also extremely difficult for people who have this condition to carry on normal social interactions, because they are simply treated differently.

During one of my family vacations I came across a little girl who had this condition and firsthand witnessed how she was treated by the kids and adults around her. I was very young at the time, but that moment must have impacted me more deeply than I realized. A couple years later I saw a documentary called “Smile Pinki” that explained how to help and that was my call to action.

PCL: What motivated you to become a singer? Who are some artists that you look up to?

Sonali: I think I was always born to be a musician! I remember my parents telling stories of how before I could even speak, I was constantly singing (with my own made up words of course). When I was three years old, I told my parents I wanted to be a singer. Naturally, they thought I was just acting like any other three year old with big dreams, little did they know I was very serious. Since my mom used to sing to me every night when I was a child, I like to think that influenced my love for music.

I look up to so many different artists from a wide array of genres. In terms of current pop and rock artists, I really admire Kelly Clarkson, Paramore, and Taylor Swift. But I also really love classic rock and metal, and enjoy listening to bands like Led Zeppelin and Children of Bodom.

PCL: Since you’re a triple threat (singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist), is there one that you prefer over the other two?

Sonali: Actually no, I really love them all! These three assets really all complement each other, as I wouldn’t be able to write the music I do without having knowledge of instruments and theory. Having these different dimensions as a musician make writing music and working with others so much more dynamic, and in the end produces a much better song.

PCL: Do you have any advice for musicians out there that are trying to make it in the industry?

Sonali: Well I’m still learning myself, but the best advice I can give is to just follow your heart and never give up. As I have always known and am now witnessing first hand, this is not an easy industry to make it in. But a common thread between all the successful musicians I see is a real passion and drive to succeed. The best musicians make it because they love what they do, and wouldn’t rather be doing any other job in the world. I have always understood that the odds of high success in the music industry are slim, but I know I could never live my life happily if I don’t live out my dreams now, and that’s exactly what I’m doing!

PCL: What can fans look forward to from you? Any new projects coming up?

Sonali: I am constantly writing new songs. At the moment I am working on the release of my new single called, “Nothing Left.” With this single, my fans will not only hear me on vocals and lead guitar but also on keyboards. I have never recorded myself playing keyboards before so it should be fun! To keep up with all my latest news, please join my Facebook fan page (facebook.com/itsmesonali), follow me on twitter (twitter.com/itsmesonali), and check out my website (itsmesonali.com)!

We want to thank Sonali for taking the time to answer some questions for us. If you haven't already, go check out her debut EP Speechless here!

Interview by Stephanie Coffey and Noelle Gruber