Big Brother Results - 8/5/12

On Thursday's episode, Big Brother unleashed a new twist into the game. Boogie, Janelle, Dan, and Britney are ending their run as coaches in the house, and are now players in the running for the $500,000 prize. Will alliances stay the same? Will the newbies try to take out the veterans? There's so much potential that could happen. Things are definitely about to get heated. Find out who the new Head of Household is and who this week's nominees are below:

Head of Household: Danielle
This week's nominees: Wil and Frank

I'm definitely not Danielle's biggest fan. I don't always agree with her gameplay and she oftens has me rolling my eyes but I'm glad her winning HOH will keep Dan and Shane (who are two of my favorites) safe for another week. On tonight's episode, we also got to see the unveiling of Danielle's HOH room. Normally, it's a time when contestants show off their pictures of loved ones, food gifts baskets, and letters from home.  Thanks to this, we found out Danielle never told her parents she was going on Big Brother. Say what?! Danielle, you intrigue us.

Are you surprised by the nominees? Who do you want to win this season of Big Brother? Sound off below!