The X Factor: Top 4 - Coming Home

To kick off the Semi-Finals results show on The X Factor, the top 4 acts performed the Dirty Money featuring Skylar Grey hit "Coming Home". Each artist brought something unique to the song but we particularly loved the way Carly Rose Sonenclar sounded on it. That girl is extremely talented for being only thirteen years old. Check out the top 4's performance of "Coming Home" below:

Source: TheXFactorUSA

We think it's quite obvious that Sonenclar has the best voice of all the contestants left on the show. Basically she could be stocked up on olbas oil deals thanks to the flu, and still outsing the others. However, we all know to win any competition like this it takes a lot more than a great voice. Will Sonenclar come away the winner or will Tate Stevens and Fifth Harmony find a way to claim that title instead? We'll find out next week on the finale of The X Factor.