Who Will Win Season 14 of Big Brother?

The season finale of Big Brother airs on Wednesday night. How has another season come and gone? This reality show is always one of our highlights of the summer. There's something about watching contestants live together in a huge house and compete against each other that is so addictive. Now we're down to three contestants vying for the half million prize.

First up is Dan Gheesling. He originally came into the house as a coach, having won season 10 back in 2008, but is now a player in the game as well. Gheesling has lied to practically everyone in the jury house, directly sending them out in the process. He's gotten himself off the block more times than we can count. Does Dan's funeral ring a bell? There's no doubt that he has played the smartest game but will all his dirty antics keep him from winning again?

Then we have Danielle Murphree. She's been Gheesling's counterpart since day one when there were still the coaches' teams. She's played a good social game and seems to be liked by most of the contestants in the jury house. However, she really has been doing whatever Gheesling tells her to do, with very little gameplay of her own. Will this affect her outcome?

 Last but not least is Ian Terry. How else can we describe him besides smart? He was the youngest contestant this season and has been watching Big Brother since he was a kid. Terry made a huge move in the past by being the Quack Pack's source of information in the house. He worked two alliances and caused Mike Boogie's (who is one of the best to ever play this game) demise in the house. Will the jury house respect that move and his competition wins enough to grant him the title of season 14 winner?

Who do you want to win this season of Big Brother? Our Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays will feel so empty after this week. I wonder what they do with the house between now and next summer. Perhaps hire some apex house cleaning? Big Brother, thanks for another entertaining season.