Recap: Frayed - Teen Wolf

Written by Regan Brown

Teen Wolf is baring more than teeth in its third season, which began on June 3. 

Monday night’s episode left many questions to be asked and answered. For example, how far is Deucalion, the alpha pack leader, willing to go to get what he wants?  Are Scott and his friends really ready to take the alpha pack on?  And just how invested is Allison willing to get when it comes to Scott?

Recap of Teen Wolf, “Frayed”:

Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Boyd, and Ethan, one of the alpha twins, along with several other students are on a five-hour bus ride en route to a cross-country meet.  Scott  appears to be out of it and has a short flashback from the previous night, which really doesn’t tell much.  Stiles is trying to keep Scott’s mind occupied by giving him SAT words to define, but that doesn’t help much, especially when you’ve got two deep, blood-oozing gashes resting nicely on your rib cage that aren’t healing like Scott does.  Scott leans his head against the window and utters the words that probably echoed in every viewer’s eardrums at the same time….”I can’t believe Derek’s dead.”

Wait a minute…what???  Trust me, the tears were coming, but I remained strong!

It turns out Allison and Lydia are in a car a few cars behind the school bus following Scott.  Allison has a flashback where Scott is at her house and indirectly pleads with her to not get involved when it comes to the alpha pack.  Leaving Allison’s house, Scott finds out that Deucalion lives in the same building as Allison and her father, right below them to be exact. 

Scott takes this information to Derek, who not surprisingly, is already aware of this.  I’m thinking the blueprint of Allison’s building laid out nicely on the table in front of Derek, Peter, Cora, and Boyd is a clear giveaway.  Derek tells Scott that they’re planning a surprise attack to eliminate Deucalion and he needs Scott’s help.

Back on the bus, Scott and Stiles are very weary of Ethan, who is worried about Ennis, one of the alphas who was badly hurt and might not make it unless he receives proper care and we all know there’s only one man in Beacon Hills who can repair a werewolf…Dr. Deaton. 

Dr. Deaton is no ordinary veterinarian  and between you and me, I’m still trying to figure him out.  He is able to mend Ennis’ wounds when he gets a visit from Deucalion, who then kills Ennis!!  If you’re confused, don’t worry, SO AM I!!!

Meanwhile, back on the bus Stiles needs to figure out a way to get the coach to let everyone off the bus because Scott’s wounds still aren’t healing and Allison is worried that Scott may die. 

Through another flashback, we find out that Scott, along with Isaac, go to a rundown building to meet with Deucalion in the hopes of reasoning with him.  However, plans change.  Derek, Boyd, and Cora show up in an attempt to ambush Deucalion and kill him once and for all.  The rest of the alpha gang are not far away and come to Deucalion’s aid and things get messy.  When it looks like the good guys have been beaten, Allison comes to the rescue with her mighty bow and arrow skills.  In the end, Derek and Ennis take a nasty fall, which is why Scott believes Derek is dead. 

Stiles is able to get the coach to let everyone off the bus because he’s just good like that and he, Allison, and Lydia lead Scott into a men’s restroom where Allison stitches up Scott’s wounds in the hopes that he will then believe that he’s healing and actually heal, which eventually does work.

The Surprising Finish

The end of the episode shows Jennifer Blake (the English teacher) getting into her car to go home when DEREK (cue applause and cheering here) slams his bloody hand on her window before collapsing on the ground.

You can check out a sneak peek of next Monday’s all new episode right here.