Charice Reminisces About Cory Monteith

Do you remember when Charice was on the second season of Glee? Neither do we, but she played the exchange student Sunshine Corazon on the hit Fox series. Well now she's opening up about her time with Cory Monteith in a blog she wrote for CNN. It's clear that he was loved by everyone who has ever met him. What a beautiful person who was taken too soon. Check out what Charice had to say about someone she described as "Mr. Cool" below: 
“Friendship is not defined by the length of time two people share together. One defining moment is all it takes for two individuals to call each other friends. Cory Monteith‘s life, short as it was, taught me that lesson. His death, sudden as it was, taught me that lesson.” 
“To his fans around the world who mourn his passing, I am with you. I know how it feels. Let’s hold each other’s hand. Let’s remember Cory and continue to celebrate his music, his craft, his life. He will forever be in our hearts. I wish I could also embrace Cory‘s loved ones — his family and friends, his girlfriend Lea Michele. I will pray for all of you, too.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Cool. My grateful heart will always miss you — especially so on my birthday."
Source: CNN