Lady Gaga Announces Release Date For ARTPOP

Written by Adriana Morales

ARTPOP. Remember that? Remember who was supposed to come out with the album of the same name? If you guessed Lady Gaga, then you are on point as ever. Gaga is apparently ready to dive back into the music scene or at least that is what we are led to believe when she posted a release date for ARTPOP. We can expect the new album from her on November 11th. Although the MTV article makes it seem as if the pop world has been absolutely boring without her (we think there has been some pretty good songs by a couple of artists since her last public appearance so we beg to differ), it IS great to know that we can expect more shocking outfits, statements, and more when Mother Monster steps up to the pop plate again. Do you think she's going to take over the world once again or will it be harder this time around being that she's been out of commission for a few months?

Source: MTV