Hip Hop Sisters to Air on BET

Written by Adriana Morales

BET announced a new show to add to already popular television network. Having jumped onto the reality TV bandwagon a couple of years back, it should come as no surprise that another reality TV show is in the works - Hip Hop Sisters. This may actually be a reality show that doesn't leave us females feeling a little embarrassed by the women on the show. Remember Love & Hip Hop? Some of the ridiculous drama and cattiness really makes these women look immature, among other things; but that is an entirely different topic.

Either way, we are excited about Hip Hop Sisters because of the round-up of artists that will be on the show. Some of the original femcees of hip-hop featured are MonieLove, Yo Yo Smooth, Lady of Rage, MC Lyte, and one of the latest emcees who crashed the scene in the last 10 years - Lil' Mama. There are many other emcees we'd love to see on this show so we hope it all goes well so that more seasons are produced and we get to see different faces come out of the woodwork.

Will you be tuning into Hip Hop Sisters when it premieres?

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